All posts by Kristy Bishop

Woodstock Art Association & Museum

Oil painting  on masonite 14″ x 8″ by Kristy Bishop (c) 2016 was exhibited in the Juried “Small Works” show at WAAM during the month of March 2016. The Juror for this show was Nancy c. Cobean, Director of Rose Gallery, Hudson, NY.

"Saugerties Lighthouse" with anchor of Art Cramer's boat in the foreground.
“Saugerties Lighthouse” with anchor of Art Cramer’s boat in the foreground.

Ulster County Art Association

Detail of “Milkweed Pod” by Anita Barbour

On April 5, Anita Barbour will demonstrate white-line block printing in a step-by-step procedure from blank block to finished print at the Frank Greco Senior Center, 207 Market Street, Saugerties at 7 pm. This type of block printing is a quick and easy American version of Japanese wood block printing. It was invented in Provincetown in 1915. It begins with a simple drawing. All of the colors are printed on a single block; the only carving is a thin line around each area and prints can be produced fairly quickly. Guests are invited to attend.

FMI about UCCA club meetings: please call 845-246-8835

Kristy Bishop, UCAA President

26th Annual KBS Student Art Show – May 1, Sunday 4 – 6 pm

Eleven children, eight adults and some former students will be displaying their artwork in May and June 2016 at the Dutch Ale House in Saugerties. Curator Douglas Daniel Elliot will hang over 100 works of art salon-style on three walls of the restaurant. There will be an awards ceremony at 5 pm and the public is invited to the reception beginning at 4pm – Free Event – Some works are for sale (Featured photo is of a portion of a past annual at the Dutch)

KBS Sketch Book Contest Winners Feb. 19, 2016

Star Nigro graduated from the Art Institute of Boston, Ma. with a BFA in Photography in 1999. Soon after, the Art Institute was renamed Art & Design School of Lesley University. Nigro studied graphic design and was highly esteemed by her professors for her original concepts. She chose the following winners among ten participants.

Award of Excellence: Mona Lisa by Aidan Polston age 7
Award of Excellence: Mona Lisa by Aidan Polston age 7
Award of Excellence: Illustration by Autumn Stever age 15
Award of Excellence: Illustration by Autumn Stever age 15

Honorable Mentions: Tyler Siracusano age 8, Cassidi Vedder age 10, Anna Sweeney age 12 and Kyla Misasi age 13.

Award of Excellence: Agnes Barber after Paul Leveille 2016
Adult – Award of Excellence: Agnes Barber after Paul Leveille 2016

Two Person Art Show – March 2 – 31 2016

The Columbia-Greene Community College will host an art show of works by Phyllis McCabe and Kristy Bishop during the month of March. In the Blue Hill  Gallery of the college, located at 4400 Route 23, Hudson, NY 12534 (518-828-4181) – visitors are welcome during the following hours: Mon.- Thurs. 8 am  – 8 pm; Fri. 8 am  – 4:30 pm Sat. 9 am – 5 pm and closed Sunday.

During those 40 years of friendship,  we have encouraged  each other to develop our talents and pursue careers in  these fields  of art. We met at the Ulster Library Fair in the summer of 1975 and became fast friends. She was exhibiting her photographs and I was exhibiting my paintings side by side on a fence on the library property along with many other artists. We both won awards in our  separate categories: The judges included: Charles Bryson, Richard Jeffrey, Shelagh Young, Richard Wolter and William Gallagher.

The artwork (some 60 works in all) in the upcoming show at the college will feature what inspired us over the years.

Kristy Bishop Studio

In small art classes – no more than 5 at a time, Kristy gives positive feedback to artists of all ages. Bella is exceptionally talented and listens carefully to instructions. Autumn Stever (15) is the teaching assistant for this class of 5 – 8 year olds which meets every Wednesday at  4- 5 pm for a 10-month season. (Short summer workshops are available in July and August.) Bella loves thick acrylic paint, gouache and transparent watercolor. Her artwork is beautiful and as a highlight, she has good character. She has won several awards for being the most encouraging and complimentary young student toward her fellow classmates in art class.


Kristy Bishop with Isabella Lewoc, aged 5 2016
Kristy Bishop with Isabella Lewoc, aged 5 – 2016

Ulster County Art Association March, 1, 2016

Kingston artist, Patti Gibbons will demonstrate oil painting without harmful chemicals at the Senior Center, corner of Robinson and Market Streets, Saugerties, NY at 7 pm on March 1, 2016 Tuesday. She says, “The studio is a dream world. Once the door is closed and the outside world is shut out, it is an escape to a place of wonder, exploration and adventure.”

Patti will bring examples of her oil paintings, mixed media and abstract art and discuss techniques and materials. She will discuss the role of her love of  old paper and bring examples of how she incorporates them into her work and the role that collage has in providing  a method of healing and growth. In conclusion, Patti will explain how her four year study of abstract work has opened up an entirely new vocabulary and method of tapping into her subconscious and its role in developing what is her most original work to date.

Her websites:

Guests are welcome to attend the UCAA meetings – First Tuesday of every month. FMI: 845-246-8835 Kristy Bishop, UCAA President

Ulster County Art Association

UCAA hosted an art show on Feb. 2, 2016 which was judged by award-winning painter Elin Menzies at the Senior Center in Saugerties, New York. Pictured here (L-R): Best of Show (painting) Patrick Buonfiglio; Best of Show (photo) Harriet Yaun; Honorable Mention (painting) Jeff Helmuth; Awards of Excellence (paintings) Ann Bergin, Laura Van Vlack and Agnes Barber; art judge: Elin Menzies.

Monthly meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month at 7 pm at the Senior Center,  corner of Robinson and Market Streets, Saugerties, NY. Guests are welcome to attend. Annual membership fee: $20 Associate membership: $10 FMI: call 845-246-8835

Next UCAA meeting: March 1, 2016 – Demonstration by Patti Gibbons, fine artist, designer and teacher who works out of her studio in Kingston, NY.  Her body of work is diverse: she explores the poetic nature of the landscape in oils, her body of narrative mixed media work reflects her love of telling intimate stories, and her abstract drawings emerge from the subconscious, synthesizing the past, present, the seen and the unseen.



KBS 8th Annual Holiday Art Show at Lox of Bagels Shop

Adult Students working on Holiday Paintings 2015
Adult Students working on Holiday Paintings 2015
KBS Adult Students
KBS Adult Students

The following adult students will be participating in our 8th Annual Holiday Art Show at Lox of Bagels Shop, 3101 Route 9W, Saugerties, NY for the month of December 2015: Ruth Bach-Dhondy, Agnes Barber, Patrick Buonfiglio, Diane Cavallaro, Jo Cicale, Teresa Herzog, Donna Newkirk, Lucille Otto. Young artists (ages 5 – 15) from the studio will be exhibiting their artwork as well.

There will be a Popular Vote Contest conducted during the first hour of the reception – The public is invited.