Anne Hoffstatter demonstrates Alcohol Ink Abstracts on Aug. 6, 2019
UCAA members were treated to a wonderful demonstration by Anne Hoffstatter at our last meeting on Aug. 6, 2019. All members had the opportunity to experience this exciting medium. UCAA meets every first Tuesday of each month except Nov. (second Tuesday because of elections).
“Car Show” by Kristy Bishop (c) 2019 Oil on Panel 14″ x 11″“Saugerties Lighthouse” by Kristy Bishop (c) 2019 Oil on Panel 12″x12″“Water Lilies – Botanical Gardens NYC” by Kristy Bishop (c) 2019 Acrylic on Panel 12″ x 9″“Seamon Park, Saugerties, NY” by Kristy Bishop (c) 2019 Acrylic on Wood 5″x 5″
These paintings by Kristy Bishop will be exhibited for sale at Twilight Park Artists 72nd Annual Art Exhibition with an Opening Reception on Saturday Aug. 10 at 5 – 7 pm. Admission $10 which includes Saturday & admission on Sunday Aug. 11 at 1 – 4:30 pm. If you do not attend the Sat. reception – Sunday admission will be $5 and a painting demonstration will be held at 3 pm on Sunday. Participating artists have free admission for both days. The gallery is located in Haines Falls, New York , Route 23 – A – Going north on the left just before the entrance to North and South Beaches entrance on the right before entering Tannersville, NY. Two stone pillars mark the entrance to the gated community of Twilight Park on the left heading north. The public is invited.
UCAA meeting Aug. 6, 2019 Tuesday at 7 pm will feature award-winning artist Anne Hoffstatter demonstrating Ink Pouring Method Abstracts for club members who may participate. Dues are $25. Guests are welcome to attend and join the club at anytime. Anne Hoffstatter has won Best of Show at the 28th 2018 and 29th 2019 Kristy Bishop Studio Annual Art Shows chosen by art judges Judy Abbott and Joyce Washor, respectively. FMI: Please call Kristy Bishop, UCAA president: 845-246-8835
KBS Winner: Erica KromBest Class Work (Adult) “King” Pastel by Erica KromKBS Winner: Kyla Misasi (16)Best of Show (ages 12-16) “Texturized Isle” by Kyla Misasi (16)KBS Best of Show (ages 6 – 11) Christian Maestri (10) “The Dog I Wish I Had”
Picured here are the top winning entries chosen by Art Judge: Joyce Washor, Woodstock, NY at our KBS 29th Annual Student Art Show on June 9, 2019 at the Senior Center, 207 Market Street, Saugerties, NY.
Anne Hoffstatter, KBS 2018 & 2019 Annual Art Show Best of Show winner will demonstrate Abstract INK Pouring Technique at our next UCAA meeting on Aug. 6, Tuesday at 7 pm at the Saugerties Senior Center, 209 Market Street. Guests are welcome to attend. FMI: Please call UCAA president Kristy Bishop 845-246-8835
As a cancer survivor, I am very grateful to be able to facilitate this yearly event on June 9, 2019. I am honoring my best friend Phyllis McCabe, Photographer Laureate of Kingston, NY with a special tribute. She prays for me everyday. I am positive that these prayers and those of others have been instrumental in my treatments for colon cancer with Dr. Hal Buch, Dr. Riolin Andrade, Dr. Camillo Torres and Dr. Michael Moskowitz in Kingston, NY. My younger and older students have submitted artworks dating back to June 2018 so that we could have a large showing at this event. Since I have not been able to teach my regular art classes since August 2018, I am looking forward to being fully recovered by the end of 2019. FMI: 845-246-8835
At our next art club meeting, June 4, Tuesday – Saugerties High School Art Teacher Amy Frolich has chosen Rachel Hoffstatter, daughter of Brad and Anne Hoffstatter, to receive our scholarship to help further her art education in September 2019. We will see some of Rachel’s artwork and hear about her plans for her near future in art school. Guests are welcome to attend. The program will start after a fifteen minute UCAA business meeting. We welcome new members (Artists and Associates) – $25 membership fee. (There will be no meeting in July 2019) Anne Hoffstatter (mother of Rachel) will be demonstrating Ink Pouring Method on Aug. 6, Tues. same time, same station! Hope to see you there!
KBS – Erica Krom, Kristy Bishop, Anne Hoffstatter, Donna Newkirk
Celebratory lunch for KBS student Anne Hoffstatter at Ohana’s Cafe where she is having her first one-person art show during May 2019, Petition St., Saugerties, NY. She has an array of subjects ranging from realism to abstraction. Anne will give a demonstration of the pouring technique for abstracts with ink on Aug. 6, 2019 Tuesday at 7 pm at the Senior Center, 207 Market Street, Saugerties, NY. Guests are welcome to attend this club meeting of the Ulster County Art Association. FMI: 845-246-8835
UCAA was honored with an extraordinary power point presentation by guest speaker Fred Di Vito at our monthly meeting on Tuesday May 7, 2019. Our club is based in Saugerties, NY at the Senior Center, 207 Market Street. We meet the first Tuesday of each month at 7 pm.
We saw a wide variety of his magnificent acrylic paintings and heard the stories behind them. The artist gave us an art history lesson by showing us the works of other artists as well as his own. He challenged us to think deeply about painting: the reasons why we do it and who appreciates it. We are most grateful for this delightful experience!
FMI: Fred Di Vito: and