Category Archives: Critique

Kristy Bishop Studio

In small art classes – no more than 5 at a time, Kristy gives positive feedback to artists of all ages. Bella is exceptionally talented and listens carefully to instructions. Autumn Stever (15) is the teaching assistant for this class of 5 – 8 year olds which meets every Wednesday at  4- 5 pm for a 10-month season. (Short summer workshops are available in July and August.) Bella loves thick acrylic paint, gouache and transparent watercolor. Her artwork is beautiful and as a highlight, she has good character. She has won several awards for being the most encouraging and complimentary young student toward her fellow classmates in art class.


Kristy Bishop with Isabella Lewoc, aged 5 2016
Kristy Bishop with Isabella Lewoc, aged 5 – 2016

Critique of Harry Orlyk’s artwork

Originally published May 17, 2011:

“My attraction to his [Orlyk] farm landscapes probably owes something to my own family history of potato farming in Aroostook County, Maine. My grandparents on both sides were among 6,000 farmers in that county in the 1930s and 40s…I have been so inspired by Orlyk’s work…I think this is what art is all about…it expands our own horizons when we meet an extraordinary individual like Harry Orlyk who is willing to share his love of life and his dedication to his art with everyone.”