Since 2011, Patrick Buonfiglio, nonagenarian currently and retired principal at Grant D. Morse Elementary School in 1989, has consistently won art awards at the Kristy Bishop Studio and I am happy to pay tribute to him during our 28th Annual Art Show on June 2, 2018. Free admission and the public is welcome to attend.
Over 100 works of art by KBS students of all ages will be on exhibition at the same time.
This painting is donated to WAAM Woodstock Artists Assn. & Museum Gala Auction for $100 purchase, along with other small works by local artists on April 28 Saturday at 5:30 pm ($30 for cocktail hour or $99 for dinner and dancing) at SPAF Saugerties Performing Arts Factory, Ulster Avenue, Saugerties, NY. Unframed 8″ x 5″ Hope to see you there! For more information:
Daytime side featuring the Saugerties Lighthouse on the Hudson River -photo by Phyllis McCabe
This sailboat will be finished and exhibited on May 20 Sunday at 5 pm at SPAF Saugerties Performing Arts Factory on Ulster Avenue, Saugerties, NY along with 40 other sailboats by local artists. On May 21, 2018 they will be installed on the streets of Saugerties, NY. This one is sponsored by the Dutch Ale House, 253 Main Street and will remain on exhibit in front of DAH until the September Auction at SPAF. Many thanks to my sponsors: Ted and Dallas Gilbin. (Also, many thanks to Art Cramer and Brian Collins for boat rides on the Hudson River to get photos as reference for this work of art.)
28th Annual KBS Art Show will be held at the Senior Center, 207 Market Street, Saugerties on June 2, 2018 Saturday Reception: 5 – 7 pm featuring over 100 paintings by Kristy Bishop Studio students of all ages! Awards Ceremony and a Tribute to Patrick Buonfiglio, aged 90, will feature a number of his paintings over the past several years. The public is welcome to attend: Free Admission.
Kristy Bishop Studio held a sketch book contest in Feb. 2018 with Miss Tucci as art judge for this event. The judge mentioned that she was looking for original work and that the amount of sketches showed an interest in developing the art of drawing. In this busy technologically advanced age that we live in, it may be difficult for some to carve out time to create. Congratulations to these girls!
As president of UCAA, I am pleased to announce that Robert P. Langdon will be our guest speaker on March 6, 2018. Please join Robert P. Langdon, proprietor and curator at Emerge Gallery & Art Space, 228 Main Street, Saugerties, NY, who will discuss his gallery’s mission and opportunities for local artists. Emerge Gallery is a welcoming environment that exhibits the best emerging artists from the Hudson Valley, Metropolitan region and beyond. Robert includes work of various media and styles in each show and strives to promote a pleasing and inviting journey for the viewer. Visit the Emerge Gallery website:
Robert was Director at Gallery U in Red Bank and Westfield, NJ prior to being Director at Emerge Gallery. His strength lies in community building and supporting and promoting emerging artists. He began working one-on-one with fine artists when he was Director of Sales and Marketing at a non-profit children’s picture book publisher in San Francisco. Robert photographed still life for Macy’s in Manhattan and A&S catalogs among others and was a teacher in suburban New Jersey where he was born.
He graduated from the German School of Photography and holds a BA from Montclair State University. Robert has been writing poetry and the occasional short fiction since the late 1980’s. His collection, “The Candied Road Ahead: Poems & Stories” is available through in print and Kindle formats.
(c) 2018 by Kristy Bishop – Please contact to make this purchase or call 845-247-7515 during the month of March 2018. This show is entitled “Exit 20” Saugerties Artists and will feature the artwork of many local artists.
This is the youngest art class at the Kristy Bishop Studio on Wednesday afternoons. There are 24 works of art by students of all ages on display at Lox of Bagels until Jan. 2, 2018. At the reception, there will be a Popular Vote Contest 2 – 3 pm on Sunday Dec. 10. Everyone gets to vote for their favorite painting by a child and an adult student. The awards will be announced at 3:30 pm. The public is invited to view the artwork everyday 6 am – 3 pm at Lox of Bagels Shop. All works of art are 16″ x 20″ for your viewing pleasure!