The artwork of Ruari, daughter of William and Michelle Lee Sullivan and Liv Smoller, daughter of Neal and Erin Smoller impressed our Art Judge Elisa Tucci.
These two young artists show a great aptitude for fulfilling their potentials. One sign is that they create constantly and love the process.
This pastel painting (24″ x 36″) Collection of the Artist was chosen for Award of Recognition and Judge’s Choice at Twilight Park Artists, Haines Falls, NY, Honorable Mention Woodstock Artists Association and Museum and was accepted in the juried Pastel Society of America show, National Arts Club, Gramercy Park, New York City in 2003. (Collection of the Artist)
This pastel painting (Collection of the Artist) was chosen as Award of Excellence at Twilight Park Artists show in 2006 . Judges were from the Tate Museum.
“Path to the Esopus Creek” Pastel on sanded paper by Kristy Bishop (c) 2021 Owned by Peter Lawrence
This pastel painting was featured at the Kristy Bishop one-woman art show in 1999. 24″ x 20″ at the Half Moon Gallery owned by Nancy Campbell and Angela Gaffney Smith, Saugerties, NY.
Collection of the Artist
This pastel won the Gold Medal of Honor for Pastel Painting at the Museum of Fine Art, Academic Artists Association, Springfield, Ma. May 21, 1978. 27th Annual Representational Juried Art Show.
Nancy Campbell, well-known local artist was the judge for the KBS Sketchbook Contest 2021. Currently, she is the Co-President at WSA Woodstock School of Art and past WSA Executive Director. She is an active member of WAAM Woodstock Artists Association & Museum and ASK Art Society of Kingston, NY . She is a regular exhibitor at Emerge Gallery in Saugerties and has 5 large paintings on exhibit at Village Bagels, 248 Main Street, Saugerties, NY.
Winner of the free raffle of my painting “Neon Lighthouse” is Rocco Fortuna making him a two- time winner at our KBS 13th Annual Holiday Art Show at Lox of Bagels, Saugerties, NY.
Rocco (9), son of Kelli Gilmore, won the Popular Vote – People’s Choice Award in the category (ages 8 – 10) and Jacob Habernig (11) son of Matthew Habernig and Ashley Tucker, won in the category (ages 11 – 14) at Lox of Bagels.
We thank Barbara and John Farcher for hosting this art show for the 13th consecutive year!
Thank you to Lily Leong, my TA -Teacher’s Assistant, for helping me count the votes!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all from KBS!
I miss teaching my young and older art students during this pandemic Covid-19, but we were able to pull together a show of paintings by kids for our 13th Annual Holiday Art Show where you can vote for your favorite painting up until Dec. 23, 2020.
POPULAR VOTE CONTEST : To be eligible to win this original neon acrylic painting 16″ x 12″ by Kristy Bishop, you must take one ticket only, print your name, phone number and your favorite YOUNG ARTIST in the show on the ticket and place it in the ballot box at Lox of Bagels shop before Dec. 23, 2020.
In other words, you must go to Lox of Bagels to see the artwork. Barbara and John Farcher, owners, have hosted our annual show for the past 13 years. We are grateful for their encouragement of young and older artists to have this beautiful venue to show their art work to the public – free of charge. Please patronize their fabulous restaurant for the Best Bagels in the Hudson Valley plus many more delicacies. Daily Shop Hours: 6 am – 2 pm.
Winners will be counted by numerous volunteers and posted after Dec. 23, 2020. Thank you for your support of KBS and Lox of Bagels!
Profile: “My goal as an artist is to serve mankind at the deepest level of my spiritual development through the expression of painting, writing and public speaking.”
Kristy Bishop, winner of the Gold Medal of Honor for Pastels in national competition and many regional art awards, is the owner of the KRISTY BISHOP STUDIO, 147 Market Street, Saugerties, NY. Founder of Kristy’s Kreative Kids, she has taught over a thousand children and adults since 1977 at her studio and at Ulster County Community College – credit free art courses in the past.
Since 1991, Bishop has facilitated several art shows each year in the Hudson Valley for her students, ages 6 – octogenarian. The 30th Annual Student Art Show was scheduled for June 13, 2020 at the Saugerties Senior Center but had to be canceled due to the Covid-19 virus pandemic. It will be held in June 2021, God willing. Since 1991, different art judges have been chosen every year for awards for the students; although, competition among peers is optional. Over 200 people have attended the receptions when they were held at the Senior Center with less attending smaller venues such as Lox of Bagels, Route 9W, Saugerties Annual Holiday Art Shows for the past eleven years.
Beginning in 1976, Kristy has had more than nine one-woman art shows and has been invited to join numerous juried art shows in the Hudson Valley and beyond. Among those are the Woodstock Artists Association & Museum WAAM, Woodstock, NY, Arts Society of Kingston, NY, the Albany Institute of Art, Albany, NY, Museum of Fine Arts, Springfield, Ma (where she won the Gold Medal) and the Pastel Society of America, NYC among several other venues.
Her artwork is in many collections around the country as a result of being represented in galleries in Tyringham, Massachusetts and the WAAM. Many awards such as Award of Excellence, Award of Recognition and Judges Choice were presented to Bishop from 1989 – 2001 at the annual Twilight Park Artists art shows in Haines Falls, NY.
Currently, one woman art shows for Kristy Bishop are scheduled for July – August 2020 at the Saugerties Public Library, Washington Avenue and October 2020 at the Dutch Ale House, Main Street, Saugerties, NY – pending in concern for the Covid-19 pandemic.
Bishop wrote the column “Kristy”s Kreative Kids” in local newspapers consecutively 1996 – 2012 (Post Star – Lee Publishing Co. and Saugerties Times – Ulster Publishing Co.) Bishop Memoir Excerpts were published in Fort Fairfield’s Sesquicentennial Celebration – It’s Time to Tell our Stories 1858- 2008 Hardbound – Frontier Heritage – Editors: R. Ainsworth and S. Ulman in 2009
Leadership training has been provided by Rhinebeck Toastmasters Club 2008 – 2013 and Bishop served as TM president in 2010-2011 and Ulster County Art Association president 2016 – 2020.
For videos, see: www.dailyfreeman.com search: Kristy Bishop or read articles concerning the artist – visit www.SaugertiesTimes.com and http://i-uv.com/kristy-bishop-my-quest-to-know-god-has-influenced-my-passion-for-art/
What makes a great sketch book? Each page shows much thought and effort goes into producing a great composition. It is laid out lightly first and later, the young artist adds shading of many values and clarity of lines. Each drawing has a mystique about it and produces an emotional reaction in the viewer. Riley practiced drawing faces over and over again. Currently, the Corona Virus is making its debut in America and Riley’s masked ladies are timely. Presentation is important, but imagination is of greatest value. It is clear that Riley did not hurry to finish most of her drawings; it shows that she enjoyed the process and this is most important in art.
Riley is the daughter of Douglas and Ashley Sanders of Saugerties, NY.