I am indebted to artist Elin Menzies for introducing Pat to me about four years ago when my studio was on Main Street. I had the great privilege and honor of teaching Pat, a talented watercolor artist about pastels, acrylics and oils. Friday morning class consisted of Patrick Buonfiglio, Michael Saporito, Sandra Hoffman, Mary Rell and Pat Steyer. Later, at my new studio on Market Street, others came and went, but Pat and Patrick were a mainstay.
Pat S. kept us laughing with her witty observations in life and her pseudo-competitive nature. She loved to tease Patrick about winning so many awards in our KBS shows. “You’re going to win with that one!” after each of Patrick’s paintings were finished. She would pretend to scowl at him every time.
Her humor could be startling at times, like the bumper sticker on the car before her last one “God loves you, but everyone else thinks you’re an a_ _hole!” Pat S. could get away with that because she was a genuine lover of people – a real honest to goodness Christian who prayed with me on countless occasions. She would not pry, but she had a way of getting me to speak about how I feel. “Do tell” was her way of letting me know that she would listen and give advice. It was not one-sided. She told me how she felt about relationships and life in general with so much gleaned from years of working for the social services. Her honesty and integrity were admired by everyone who came in contact with her. If she put something bluntly in words, we knew that we ought to pay attention to it.
I feel blessed to have known Pat for the past four years. She gave cancer quite a battle for the past year and a half. Her heart was full of love and her hugs and kisses were the frosting on the cake. I got to say my good-byes in the last month of her life and held her hand on the night before she died. Now, she is in Heaven with Jesus where there is absolute Love and Joy. Pat, I love you and I will never forget you…from your friend and art teacher, Kristy Bishop.