Ulster County Art Assn. Judged Show Winners

Best of Show - Acrylic by Ruth Bach-Dhondy
Best of Show – Acrylic by Ruth Bach-Dhondy
Robert Slate (Judge) Awards of Excellence: Harriet Yaun (Oil) Adele Hemsworth (WC and Ink) Roxann Creen (Acrylic) Best of Show: Ruth Bach-Dhondy (Acrylic)
Robert Slate (Judge) Awards of Excellence: Harriet Yaun (Oil) Adele Hemsworth (WC and Ink) Roxann Creen (Acrylic) Best of Show: Ruth Bach-Dhondy (Acrylic)

Thirteen members of the Ulster County Art Association participated in an annual judged show at the Senior Center, 207 Market Street, Saugerties, NY on Feb. 6, 2018. Robert Slate, art teacher at Saugerties Junior/Senior High School with a Bachelor ‘s and Master’s Degrees from Suny Buffalo State College and NYS permanent certification for art K-12, was the art judge for this show of 2-D artwork.

UCAA Ulster County Art Assn. meets every first Tuesday of each month at 7 pm at the Senior Center. Annual dues $20 are collected to provide art programs throughout the year to encourage artists to create on a regular basis. Guests are welcome to attend. FMI: please call Kristy Bishop, UCAA President, 845-246-8835.